One of my favourite shows on TV.
Got the 1st season and 2 episodes of the second.
I'm loving it !
I've been watching an episode every night before hitting the bed !
What part of the show i like the best : People who're on the show and have been warped in ultra super hyper extra etc etc etc slow mo , when these guys watch their own videos....they cant believe what they're seeing.
eg. A common reaction - I've been ______(skateboarding,diving,shooting,etc) all my life but i never knew i do it in this fashion !
Thanks to my BRO IN LAW !
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Wikipedia says : The high speed cameras are used at as low as 500 frame/s for capturing how dogs drink to as high as 40,000 frame/s for capturing bullets, breaking glass, etc. Speeds above 20,000 frame/s are shot in black and white as the data for lightness and darkness is reduced when there is no color [hue] value to shoot. This is because the recording is digital and so the frame rate is limited to a certain data rate and black and white footage is much smaller [in memory space] than full color. At such high frame rates, 1 second of recorded video takes over 16 minutes to play back at a normal speed [24frame/s, 30frame/s].This TV show captures some common everyday events and views them again in super slow motion to uncover the many principles of physics in our lives. For example, they examine a drop of water, explosions (many of them), gunshots, ballet dancing, cornflour, shallow water diving, X games and sometimes some uncanny things like piercing one's cheek or standing on blades. It also includes a humorous narration.
1 comment:
Shree says a big thank u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))
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